Memorize Manga (메모라이즈) is a Korean Web Novel written by Ro Yu-jin (로유진) and published by Joara which began early 2012 and ended during 2016. Kim Soohyun is the main character of MEMORIZE (메모라이즈) and is the very first person to obtain and wield the Zero Code. Using it he had traveled back in time and later became the founding leader of the famous Mercenary Clan. And later becomes known as the Martial God in the Second Coming of Gluttony. The story follows the protagonist Kim Soohyun and his journey to attain the Zero Code, a divine relic in order to return back to Earth after being teleported to Hall Plain. The story takes place before the events of Second Coming of Gluttony another story written by the same author and set in the same universe.
StoryKorea’s first-ever web novel of the ‘another world’ genre, Memorize. After being discharged from military service, Kim Su Hyun is suddenly abducted into the world of Hall Plain. After many twists and turns, he manages to reach the peak of the Hall Plain. However, all the anguish he had experienced during his 10 years in the Hall Plain left him in despair. To change his bitter past, Kim Su Hyun decides to use the Zero Code’s power to turn back time 10 years. “It is absurd to use an object with such incredible power to simply turn back time. I will ask for the final time. Player Kim Su Hyun, do you truly wish to repeat those ten years of torment?” Seraph looked at me like she was pleading. I couldn’t help but laugh for no particular reason. For no particular reason indeed.